2013. augusztus 28., szerda

Humour in Diversity
Communication in intercultural youth work

Training course in Creative Space, Hollókő, Hungary

17-26 of April, 2013

Humour in Diversity was a 10 days long training course realized in Creative Space Training Centre in Hollókő, Hungary 17-26 of April 2013. Participants were 32 young people supported by one trainer, 2 experts, and the support staff (7 persons). The 42 young people that participated came from 11 countries: Hungary, Kosovo, Georgia, Romania, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Armenia, Serbia, Latvia, Macedonia, Croatia.

Themes of the training course were:
-Communication in intercultural situations in youth work
-Team work with the use of communication skills, styles, tools
-Humour as a tool in communication and in intercultural youth work

Objectives were:
-To improve social, personal and professional skills of youth workers by improving their communication skills and the sense of humour
-To develop tolerance between different cultures by getting to know, highlighting their expression of happiness
-To provide information and share best practices of communication in intercultural groups
-To strenghten cooperation and communication between the presented NGO’s
-To give space, provide information and encouragement to actions and project ideas arising from deep creativity

The method we used was non-formal education: we held workshops, we worked in small/big and mixed groups, shared experiences, gave feedback, held midterm and final evaluation.  Activities included skills-development workshops on cultural awareness, self-assessment, improvement of key competencies, sharing practices in communication, cultural presentations, outdoor activities, methods from theatre, dance and creative expression as well as media. We involved participants in all project phases, they took an active role in the preparation, implementation of program parts and integrated the results into their activities in their countries during follow-up, dissemination and into new projects.

The aim was to strengthen the cooperation between the NGOs by improving communication skills and key competences in order to develop more projects in cooperation with them.

Watch here the video report about the training course:

This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author. The Commission and the Hungarian National Agency can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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